My desire for community has never been greater. I’m an introvert so when the world shut down during Covid, I figured quarantine wouldn’t be a shock to my system. I took it as a challenge. But after a near year of separation from humanity, my heart, body, and mind ached for interaction. I could only take so much isolation.
And now, here we are. Back in the swing. Piling into venues, worshiping together, celebrating birthdays. If I’m not careful, I’ll take it all for granted.
With this refreshing change of pace, it feels like there has never been a better time to give our opinions, commentary, and advice. In a culture that praises the number of “likes” one has, we can find ourselves in an exhausting tread down the social media stream. Our assertions lend themselves to whatever platform we choose to type on- a jumble of one’s and zero’s hopefully contributing to the greater good. Count this post in. But at the end of the day, it’s the face-to-face, shoulder-to-shoulder encounters that shape us the most. We need “real” social interaction. And what we choose to do in those interactions is important.
Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes. “Words are so powerful they should only be used to bless, to heal, and to prosper.” These words from Sue Henry (owner/director of Camp DeSoto in Mentone, AL) have stayed with me since I first heard them at the age of 9. Ephesians 4:29 tells us, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
“Only what is helpful for building others up.” This is the goal and it starts with opening my Bible and spending time – daily- with the Lord. 10 minutes or an hour, let’s aim for that this week. Let’s build each other up in the name of Christ by filling our minds and our hearts with His word. And watch things shift. For the good.
With love,
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